
Mind The Gaps

Shopping is NOT easy. That's why people like me, do what we do and have jobs. Not everyone can have the luxury of working with a wardrobe stylist or maybe you just don't want to. Which is totally fine by me, to each their own!


Throughout my career as a stylist and just shopping in my life in general, I have come across a huge amount of frustration. When speaking with clients it's amazing how many of them get suckered into clothing they don't love. Those pieces never get worn and are total wastes of money.

I spent some time working in retail growing up and then very recently here in NYC. I used to think it was the sales associates' fault and that they would talk someone into buying something. Unfortunately, sometimes that is the case. Other times it's not. It's the person that comes in store not being clear with their communication.

This 1 very simple tip will insure you get exactly what you need if you don't know your gaps. I've found many many times that it's not always an 'exact piece' that a client is missing. It's so hard to explain but sometimes it's just a feeling. Which is the hardest way to shop.

I send all my clients a questionnaire asking them a million and one questions to get to know them and their ideal style. I also ALWAYS have them pull images together to show me what they want.

A lot of the times the words people use to describe what they like might not be exactly correct in describing a particular style. The images my clients use are like gold to me. With that said, they should be to you too! When you go into a store and someone asks you if you need anything pull them aside and show them some images you like. Pull up pics on your phone(we all have one!) and walk them through a few of them describing what you like about those images. If you're looking for a specific outfit that person will quickly understand what you need by the images you show them. It's extremely likely that you will leave with exactly what you intended, not something you didn't.

Yours in style,


How To Break The Rules and break out of your shell

I've spent years working with professionals trying to figure out WHY exactly THEY spend so much time and money on clothing but never seem to have anything to wear. Most, if not all come to me during a certain transitions in their lives forcing them to delve into this particular topic(and their closets) looking for some relief.

With each client comes a different set of circumstances that always circle back to the same underlying cause. Lack of knowledge. Whether they are trying to climb the corporate ladder or date after divorce they all want to polish their profiles and learn to put the best version of themselves forward.

I try my best to teach all of my clients along the way. I never just tell someone to wear something without giving them a full explanation best I can. One of the topics that come up over and over again is me showing them how to break the rules they are following and break out of their shell.

I certainly can’t be with in everyones closet, but what I can do is go through the most common rules I know and find a common thread between all my clients and show you how to break them with understandable explanations and fun visuals.

Join me Thurs 27th at 12pm est for my free masterclass where I go over all the rules that you are likely following and how to break them. Register here {}. Watch it live and be able to ask Q’s OR register catch the replay.

xx yours in style,


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{Photo by j-kelly-brito-256889-unsplash-2.jpg}

Did I Do That?

I do most things with intention. It just makes complete sense. I spent most of my early 20’s buying every piece of fast fashion I thought was “cute”. I would spend the weekends brunching with my friends and then stopping in to Forever21 to get a “super cute outfit” for whatever random bar or club we were going to that night.

All of this mindless shopping led to multiple closets filled with stuff. Each morning, I would go to my closet and still spend so much time trying to weed through and find ‘the perfect outfit’ for work. Not too mention, we had a nice little discount at my last job which caused even more problems. The brands style wasn’t at all ‘ME’ but I thought “well, it’s so cheap why not!”. I would buy things weekly on impulse.


In 2014 when I left my corporate life behind I stood in front of my overstuffed closets and went crazy. I think I spent two or three days locked in my apartment doing a huge purge. I hated what I’d done. How could I have wasted so much money!? I was always pretty frugal so the thought that I’d spent thousands of dollars on crap I didn’t like was infuriating. I had spent so much money on stuff that didn’t feel like me just because it was there and I “needed” something.

At that moment I couldn’t even tally up the money I’d spent through the years and was about to be donated. All that time spent and effort really was wasted. At this time all of these re-sale companies were forming – Threadflip was actually the first one I used (that company is no longer around). I thought I’d at least get a few hundred dollars back on my ‘investment’. When they sent my bag of crap back to me only accepting a handful of pieces maybe $40, I nearly threw up.

I promised myself-moving forward that I’d invest in classic pieces that I loved- and are ME- and I would take care of them. Pairing back on the investment I make going forward in fast fashion. Yes, I do love zara and forever 21 for the pieces that I still have till this day. But, I was “investing” in the wrong pieces and was not investing in myself. This is something I drive home to each and every client I work with. I’m lucky enough now to really take my time and purchase things with intention—and that’s exactly what I teach my clients. Like I mentioned in my challenge, if you’re going to bring something into your closet and have it take up prime real estate you need to really love it.

And that my friends is why I ‘shop with intention’.

xx yours in style,
