
Mind The Gaps

Shopping is NOT easy. That's why people like me, do what we do and have jobs. Not everyone can have the luxury of working with a wardrobe stylist or maybe you just don't want to. Which is totally fine by me, to each their own!


Throughout my career as a stylist and just shopping in my life in general, I have come across a huge amount of frustration. When speaking with clients it's amazing how many of them get suckered into clothing they don't love. Those pieces never get worn and are total wastes of money.

I spent some time working in retail growing up and then very recently here in NYC. I used to think it was the sales associates' fault and that they would talk someone into buying something. Unfortunately, sometimes that is the case. Other times it's not. It's the person that comes in store not being clear with their communication.

This 1 very simple tip will insure you get exactly what you need if you don't know your gaps. I've found many many times that it's not always an 'exact piece' that a client is missing. It's so hard to explain but sometimes it's just a feeling. Which is the hardest way to shop.

I send all my clients a questionnaire asking them a million and one questions to get to know them and their ideal style. I also ALWAYS have them pull images together to show me what they want.

A lot of the times the words people use to describe what they like might not be exactly correct in describing a particular style. The images my clients use are like gold to me. With that said, they should be to you too! When you go into a store and someone asks you if you need anything pull them aside and show them some images you like. Pull up pics on your phone(we all have one!) and walk them through a few of them describing what you like about those images. If you're looking for a specific outfit that person will quickly understand what you need by the images you show them. It's extremely likely that you will leave with exactly what you intended, not something you didn't.

Yours in style,


Follow your gut and practice I.O.A.

I can guarantee that to get to where you are in your career you had to do your due diligence and I.O.A. Identify-Outline-Act. Identify what you want. Create a reasonable and totally feasible outline to follow. Then you certainly acted on that to get to where you are. Now what? You've built a solid career, have wonderful friends and family but still kinda feel unsettled in social settings or when you walk into a room with a lower level of confidence then others above you. I've found one reason(of course it's not THE ONLY reason) is confidence that stems from what you're wearing. 

You've had to navigate your way up your career latter these past many years. Now you're up there, with people you admire but don't feel on par. I've seen it, been there myself. You want to dress for the job and life you deserve but it's overwhelming. Just thinking about tackling a niche that isn't your forte scares you.

Here is what I've learned about style these past 15 years and why it's so effing complicated!

Let’s discuss - #1 there are a lot of options in the world. Between in person and e-commerce there is just too much room for error. B: Everyone is different. What looks good on YOU and what YOU like may not be what your best friend or co-worker likes or looks good on them. It’s important to really do the work getting to know yourself your body and try different fits. Sometimes it takes trial and error to get it right. Like I said there are so many options in the world you have to have patience and dedication. When I work with each client we always start with a similar formula but NOTHING is ever the same. 

It’s not that complicated but it does take work. If you are buying a house or an apartment you don't just order one online. You have to see it in person, walk through, crunch the numbers and emotionally connect. Some people go years and years without realizing what the right fit is for them or know of brands that they will eventually love. In the past 5 years I've worked with lots of different people, shapes and sizes. Where some of the conversations are the same and some are very different. You have to be open and willing try almost anything. I myself learn about new brands every day. Some I end up really liking and some fall to the wayside because they are not for me. It’s an emotional process but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. 

If you're not ready to invest in help then you definitely need to invest in the TIME  and work through on your own. I laid out the beginning of the process the 'wardrobe audit' in this challenge. Click this link and take a weekend to try it on your own. I promise it will be worth the time ---> {}

xx yours in style,
